Call for Associate Editors

Ethnomusicology Review (ER) is looking for Associate Editors to curate Sounding Board’s Space is the Place and Crossing Borders.
In honor of Mantle Hood, Alan Merriam, Charles Keil and Steven Feld, Space is the Place spotlights writings that combine ethnomusicology with jazz studies.
Crossing Borders is a newly-established section that partners with Echo: A Music-Centered Journal, which is an entirely Web-based journal created by the musicology department at UCLA. Crossing Borders features writings from music scholars, performers, and enthusiasts whose work intersect with other disciplines or expertise.
Essays on Sounding Board are intended to inspire conversation and debate on methodological, political and ethical issues. In particular, Sounding Board essays have the advantage of being able to integrate images and audio-visual media.
If you are interested in being an Associate Editor for either Space is the Place or Crossing Borders, please contact ER Managing Editor, Rosaleen Rhee, with a brief introduction that explains your background and interests. We look forward to hearing from you!
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