Sounding Board
What's Goin' On: News, Editorials, and Reviews

"What's Goin' On" offers informal essays, editorials and reviews pertaining to music-related projects, events, and publications/media. Contact moderator Max Nikol ( if you’d like to contribute to this section of Sounding Board.
Notes from the Field

“Notes From the Field” provides music scholars a space to share their fieldwork experiences and network with colleagues with similar research interests. Contact Blair Black ( if you’d like to contribute to this section of Sounding Board.
From the Archives

Posts in “From the Archives” highlight noteworthy items in the UCLA Ethnomusicology Archive’s collection. The forum is open to archivists from other institutions as well. Contact Maureen Russell ( if you’d like to contribute to this section of Sounding Board.
Space Is The Place: Ethnomusicology of Jazz

Honoring the jazz roots of foundational ethnomusicologists such as Mantle Hood, Alan Merriam, Charles Keil and Steven Feld, “Space is the Place” makes room for discussion regarding the intersections between ethnomusicology and jazz studies. Contact moderator Amy Brandon ( or Alfredo Rivera ( if you’d like to contribute to this section of Sounding Board.
Flip it and Reverse it: Hip Hop Worldwide

Flip it and Reverse it: Hip Hop Worldwide" features essays, think pieces, interviews relating to hip hop and its multiple dimensions across geographical areas and historical periods. It is the editorial space of the UCLA Hip Hop Studies Working Group. To contribute contact: H. Samy Alim (, Samuel Lamontagne (, Tabia Shawel (
Historical Perspectives

"Historical Perspectives" is a space for sharing nascent thoughts and scholarship pertaining to music of both the distant and recent past. Contact Edwin E. Porras ( if you’d like to contribute to this section of Sounding Board.
Bring the Noise: Popular Music Studies

"Bring the Noise" gathers contributions from the interdisciplinary field of popular music studies. Contact Alec Norkey ( if you'd like to contribute to this section of Sounding Board.

"Ecomusicology" explores topics at the intersection of music, nature, and culture, and draws frequently from material published in the Ecomusicology Newsletter. Contact Ben Cosgrove ( if you’d like to contribute to this section of Sounding Board.
Crossing Borders

"Crossing Borders" features commentaries, methodologies, and findings from those working with music in a trans-disciplinary way. Contact Andrea Decker ( if you’d like to contribute to this section of the Sounding Board.