Call for Reviewers for Books, Films, & Sound Recordings

Ethnomusicology Review is seeking to expand its circle of reviewers for books, films, and album/sound recordings. We extend an invitation in particular to music scholars and graduate students in Ethnomusicology, Musicology, Sound Studies, Jazz, and Popular Music Studies to submit a book review to our journal.
If interested, please contact the ER Reviews Editor, Will Matczynski, with your contact information and a brief note that includes your academic background and research interests. The reviewer will receive a complimentary copy from the publisher and the appreciation of our professional community. A list of available books for review can be viewed here:
Available Books for Review:
Alonso-Minutti, Ana R., Eduardo Herrera, and Alejandro L. Madrid, eds. Experimentalisms in Practice: Music Perspectives from Latin America.
Borge, Jason. Tropical Riffs: Latin America and the Politics of Jazz.
Briain, Lonán Ó. Musical Minorities: The Sounds of Hmong Ethnicity in Northern Vietnam.
Lau, Frederick and Christine R. Yano, eds. Making Waves: Traveling Musics in Hawaii, Asia, and the Pacific.
Bidgood, Lee. Czech Bluegrass: Notes from the Heart of Europe.
Chávez, Alex E. Sounds of Crossing: Music, Migration, and the Aural Poetics of Huapango Arribeño.
Fiol, Stefan. Recasting Folk in the Himalayas: Indian Music, Media, and Social Mobility.
Fiol-Matta, Licia. The Great Woman Singer: Gender and Voice in Puerto Rican Music.
García, David F. Listening for Africa: Freedom, Modernity, and the Logic of Black Music's African Origins.
Guillebaud, Christine. Toward an Anthropology of Ambient Sound.
Harris, Robin R. Storytelling in Siberia: The Olonkho Epic in a Changing World.
Jones-Bamman, Richard. Building New Banjos for an Old-Time World.
Karush, Matthew B. Musicians in Transit: Argentina and the Globalization of Popular Music.
Maliangkay, Roald. Broken Voices: Postcolonial Entanglements and the Preservation of Korea's Central Folksong Traditions.
Miszcynski, Milosz and Adriana Helbig, eds. Hip Hop at Europe's Edge: Music, Agency, and Social Change.
Ramnarine, Tina K., ed. Global Perspectives on Orchestras: Collective Creativity and Social Agency.
Weintraub, Andrew Noah and Bart A. Barendregt, eds. Vamping the Stage: Female Voices of Asian Modernities.
Biancorosso, Giorgio. Situated Listening: The Sound of Absorption in Classical Cinema.
Braggs, Rashida K. Jazz Diasporas: Race, Music, and Migration in Post-World War II Paris.
Bruenger, David. Making Money, Making Music: History and Core Concepts.
Brusila, Johannes, Bruce Johnson, and John Richardson, eds. Memory, Space, Sound.
Crowdy, Denis. Hearing the Future: The Music and Magic of the Sanguma Band.
Gabbard, Krin. Better Git It in Your Your Soul: An Interpretive Biography of Charles Mingus.
Gidal, Marc. Spirit Song: Afro-Brazilian Religious Music and Boundaries.
Gilman, Lisa. My Music My War: The Listening Habits of U.S. Troops in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Glasser, Jonathan. The Lost Paradise: Andalusi Music in Urban North Africa.
Huseynova, Aida. Music of Azerbaijan: From Mugham to Opera.
Hutchinson, Sydney. Tigers of a Different Stripe: Performing Gender in Dominican Music.
Levin, Theodore, Saida Daukeyeva, and Elmira Köchümkulova, eds. The Music of Central Asia.
Luker, Morgan James.The Tango Machine: Musical Culture in the Age of Expediency.
Narayan, Kirin. Everyday Creativity: Singing Goddesses in the Himalayan Foothills.
Okigbo, Austin C. 2016. Music, Culture, and the Politics of Health: Ethnography of a South African AIDS Choir.
Plastino, Goffredoand and Joseph Sciorra, eds. 2016. Neapolitan Postcards: The Canzone Napoletana as Transnational Subject.
Sullivan, Jill M. Women's Bands in America: Performing Music and Gender.
Zhuo, Sun. The Chinese Zheng Zither: Contemporary Transformations.
Banfield, William C. Ethnomusicologizing: Essays on Music in the New Paradigms.
Briggs, Jonathyne. Sounds French: Globalization, Cultural Communities and Pop Music, 1958-1980.
Davis, Ruth F. Musical Exodus: Al-Andalus and its Jewish Diaspora.
Dorr, Kirstie A. On Site, In Sound: Performance Geographies in América Latina.
Leymarie, Isabelle. Del tango al Reggae. Músicas Negras de América Latina y del Caribe.
Levine, Victoria Lindsay and Philip V. Bohlman, eds. 2015. This Thing Called Music: Essays in Honor of Bruno Nettl.
Pettan, Svanibor and Jeff Todd Titon, eds. The Oxford Handbook of Applied Ethnomusicology.
Pieslak, Jonathan. Radicalism and Music: An Introduction to the Music Cultures of al-Qa’ida, Racist Skinheads, Christian-Affiliated Radicals, and Eco-Animal Rights Militants.
Rivera-Rideau, Petra R. Remixing Reggaetón: The Cultural Politics of Race in Puerto Rico.
Shannon, Jonathan Holt. Performing al-Andalus: Music and Nostalgia across the Mediterranean.
Wang, Grace. Soundtracks of Asian America: Navigating Race through Musical Performance.