CFP: "Inertia: A Conference on Sound, Media, and the Digital Humanities" (UCLA)
Submitted by Mike D'Errico on September 11, 2014 - 7:31pm

April 30 - May 2, 2015
University of California, Los Angeles
Keynote speakers: Kiri Miller and Jonathan Sterne
CFP deadline: September 15
Co-hosted by Echo: a music-centered journal, the Digital Humanities Working Group at UCLA, and Ethnomusicology Review
This conference welcomes submissions on a broad range of topics related to sound, music, and multimedia. We are particularly interested in alternative format presentations, including workshops, lecture-demonstrations, roundtable discussions, performances, and other collaborative activities. Potential topics include, but are not limited to:
- Sounding texts and the textuality of sound: manuscripts, notation, software, and code for sound design, curation, and production
- Soundscapes and virtual worlds in architecture, archaeology, and beyond
- Open source, copyright, and the politics of information architecture
- Digital pedagogy: technology in the classroom; problems and approaches
- Analog(ue): histories of sound and music within and without the digital
- Theory and practice in production cultures, from musical performance to multimedia composition and editing
- Visualization and sonification: listening through “big data”
- Sonic warfare and digital ethics: surveillance, torture, noise, and silence
- Musical networks, old and new
- Sound play, games, and the ludohumanities
- GIS, locative media, and musical geographies
Please send 300-word proposals via Word document [last name_first name.docx] to by 15 September 2014. Along with your name, affiliation, and email address, indicate any audio, visual, or other needs for the presentation.
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