Book Review Collaboration with & Ascidiacea
Submitted by William Matczynski on April 25, 2017 - 8:00am

Ethnomusicology Review is pleased to announce a new collaboration project with Collectif Ascidiacea and, an open-access journal based in France which publishes reviews and essays on philosophy, politics, the arts, and cultural critique. This ongoing collaboration project will involve the mutual exchange of book reviews between ER and, which will be posted online on each journal in both English and French. Book reviews included in the exchange will focus specifically on topics of music and technology, media, sound studies, and electronic music. This collaboration project takes advantage of the open access platform, aiming to connect scholars, musicians, and artists across geographic and language boundaries.
Launched in 2007, is a "portal of books and ideas" occupying a space between journalism and academic writing. This approach to "intellectual journalism" inspired by The New York Review of Books brings together perspectives from social scientists, philosophers, and artists, with over two hundred regular collaborators from various fields. Nonfiction's own post in French about the collaboration project can be viewed here.
Collectif Ascidiacea will be responsible for review translations and coordinating the project in France. This sound-art collective founded in Paris in 2015 consists of six core members with interests in anthropology, sound studies, and electronic music composition. Ascidiacea regularly presents interactive sound installations and art exhibitions.
The first French translation from ER is a review of Pink Noises: Women on Electronic Music and Sound by Tara Rodgers, which can be viewed here. Stay tuned next month for our first review from ER and
"Sounding Board" is intended as a space for scholars to publish thoughts and observations about their current work. These postings are not peer reviewed and do not reflect the opinion of Ethnomusicology Review. We support the expression of controversial opinions, and welcome civil discussion about them. We do not, however, tolerate overt discrimination based on race, sex, gender, sexual orientation, or religion, and reserve the right to remove posts that we feel might offend our readers.