Call for Reviewers

Ethnomusicology Review (ER) is seeking to expand its circle of scholars for book reviews and extends an invitation in particular to music scholars and graduate students in Ethnomusicology, Musicology, Sound Studies, Jazz and Popular Music studies to submit a book review to our Journal.
If interested, please contact the ER Reviews Editor, Mehrenegar Rostami, with your contact information and a brief note that includes your academic background and research interests. The reviewer will receive a complimentary copy from the publisher and the appreciation of our professional community. A list of available books for review can be viewed here:
Available Books for Review
Banfield, William C. 2015. Ethnomusicologizing: Essays on Music in The New Paradigms. Lanham: Rowan & Littlefield.
Bakrania, Falu. 2013. Bhangra and Asian Underground: South Asian Music and the Politics of Belonging in Britain. Durham: Duke University Press.
Carr, James Revell. 2014. Hawaiian Music in Motion: Mariners, Missionaries, and Minstrels. Urbana: University of Illinois Press.
Collins, John. 2015. Kalakuta Notes. Middletown: Wesleyan University Press.
Davis, Ruth F. 2015. Musical Exodus: Al-Andalus and Its Jewish Diasporas. Lanham: Rowan & Littlefield.
Eyre, Banning. 2015. Lion Songs: Thomas Mapfumo and the Music That Made Zimbabwe. Durham: Duke University Press.
Frühauf, Tina and Lily E. Hirsch. 2014. Dislocated Memories: Jews, Music, and Postwar German Culture. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Grimley, Daniel M, ed. 2011. Jean Sibelius and His World. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
Hubbs, Nadine. 2014. Red Necks, Queers, and Country Music. Berkeley: University of California Press.
Killick, Andrew. 2013. Hwang Byungki: Traditional Music and the Contemporary Composer in the Republic of Korea. Farnham: Ashgate University Press.
Laymarie, Isabelle. 2015. Del tango: al reggae: músicas negras de América Latina y del Cariba. Zargoza: Prensas de la Universidad de Zaragoza.
Levin, Victoria Lindsay, and Philip V. Bohlman, ed. 2015. This Thing Called Music: Essays in Honor of Bruno Nettl. Lanham: Rowan and Littlefield.
Minevich, Pauline, and Ellen Waterman, eds. 2013. Art of Immersive Soundscapes. Regina: University of Regina Press.
Novak, David and Matt Sakaeeny, eds. 2015. Keywords in Sound. Durham: Duke University Press.
O’ Leary, Chris. 2015. Rebel Rebel. Winchester: Zero Books.
Pettan, Svanibor, and Jeff Todd Titon, eds. 2015. The Oxford Handbook of Applied Ethnomusicology. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Rice, Timothy. 2014. Ethnomusicology: A Very Short Introduction. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Rivera-Rideau, Petra R. 2015. Remixing Reggaetón: The Cultural Politics of Race in Puerto Rico. Durham: Duke University Press.
Tokita, Alison McQueen. 2015. Japanese Singers of Tales: Ten Centuries of Performed Narrative. Farnham: Ashgate.
Wang, Grace. 2015. Soundtracks of Asian America: Navigating Race Through Musical Performance. Durham: Duke University Press.
Zhuo, Sun. 2015. The Chinese Zheng Zither: Contemporary Transformation. Farnham: Ashgate Publishing Limited.