Submitted by Mark Lomanno on November 8, 2016 - 2:00pm
The Society for Ethnomusicology Improvisation Section brings together SEM members engaging in scholarship on extemporaneous music making for the purpose of advancing the development of cross-cultural scholarly perspectives on improvisational phenomena, primarily through the sponsorship and promotion of discussions, events, and publications related to improvisation.
Submitted by Mark Lomanno on December 18, 2014 - 12:24pm
To celebrate and extend the discussions engendered by the peer-reviewed articles in Ethnomusicology Review Volume 19, the editors are pleased to offer responses to these articles by scholars working on related themes in music research.
On 3 June 2024, thirty-five students and three guardians from the Gugak National High School and the Gugak National Middle School in Korea visited the World Music Center at UCLA, including the Ethnomusicology Archive and the...
On 22 May 2023, the UCLA academic community and Filipinx American performing artists celebrated the launch of the Danongan Kalanduyan Collection on California Revealed.Danongan “Danny” Kalanduyan (1 May 1947 – 28 September 2016) taught...
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