CFP: Ethnomusicology Review Volume 19
Submitted by Mike D'Errico on January 22, 2014 - 1:25pm

Call for Papers:
Ethnomusicology Review is now accepting submissions for Volume 19, scheduled for publication in Fall 2014. Our online format allows authors to rethink how they use media to present their argument and data, moving beyond the constraints of print journals. We encourage submissions that make use of video, audio, color photographs, and interactive media. The submission deadline is March 10, 2014.
Full guidelines for submission:
Sounding Board submissions:
In addition to the annual volume, we are accepting submissions to the Sounding Board page. The Sounding Board publishes content on a weekly basis and includes four columns:
- What's Goin' On (book and media reviews, editorials)
- Notes from the Field (brief essays from scholars currently engaged in fieldwork)
- From the Archives (noteworthy highlights from ethnomusicology archives)
- Space is the Place (on the intersection between jazz studies and ethnomusicology)
- Historical Perspectives (pertaining to music of both the distant and recent past)
Submission deadlines are rolling; please contact the editors.
"Sounding Board" is intended as a space for scholars to publish thoughts and observations about their current work. These postings are not peer reviewed and do not reflect the opinion of Ethnomusicology Review. We support the expression of controversial opinions, and welcome civil discussion about them. We do not, however, tolerate overt discrimination based on race, sex, gender, sexual orientation, or religion, and reserve the right to remove posts that we feel might offend our readers.