Maria Guarino
Maria is a PhD candidate in the Critical and Comparative Studies program in the Music Department at the University of Virginia. Her dissertation interrogates ethnographic research methods via a study of musical-liturgical sensibilities, communal religious life, and mystical spirituality among the Benedictine Monks of Weston Priory in Weston, Vermont. She has presented papers at the annual meetings of the Society for Ethnomusicology, American Academy of Religion, Mid-Atlantic Chapter of the Society for Ethnomusicology (MACSEM), New England Chapter of the Society for Ethnomusicology (NECSEM), and Duke-UVA colloquium. She was awarded the 2010 Hewitt Pantaleoni prize and the 2007 James T. Koetting prize for outstanding student paper at the MACSEM and NECSEM annual meetings, respectively. She is the recipient of a Wenner-Gren dissertation fieldwork grant, an American Benedictine Academy monastic studies grant, and a Buckner W. Clay Endowment for the Humanities graduate summer research fellowship.