Special Issue - After Pulse: Reflections on Music Scholarship in the Wake of the 2016 Orlando Nightclub Massacre
On June 12, 2016, queers of color were gathered with their friends and allies for Latin Night at Pulse in Orlando, Florida, celebrating identity and community amidst the sounds of salsa, reggaeton, and hip-hop. The nightmare that ensued was one of the deadliest manifestations of America’s gun crisis, a terrible reminder that people of color and queers are still targets of systemtic bigotry across the country. The 2016 Sounding Board Special Issue includes blog posts addressing the impact of Pulse on our work as music scholars, whether we work in and/or across the disciplines of ethnomusicology, musicology, music theory, popular music, or other areas. This Special Issue has been guest edited by Sarah Hankins (shankins@ucsd.edu) and the SEM's Gender and Sexualities Taskforce and coordinated by Pablo Infante-Amate (pablo.infanteamate@music.ox.ac.uk).