Maureen Russell's blog

Autry National Center: Institute for the Study of the American West

The Braun Research Library was established more than one hundred years ago as part of the Southwest Museum (founded in 1903, it was the first museum in Los Angeles.)  The Library’s collections provide a historical, social, and cultural context for the artifact and archival coll

British Library Sounds

The Sound and Moving Image Collections at the British Library (formerly the British Library Sound Archive) hold over 3.5 million audio recordings, including one of the world's largest collections of recordings variously described as traditional, folk or 'world' music.&

Highlights from the Ethnomusicology Archive: the Mickey Katz collection

Mickey Katz (June 15, 1909 - April 30, 1985) was a clarinetist, comedian, bandleader, songwriter, and producer.  He recorded Yiddish parodies of popular American (U.S.) songs from the 1940s to the late 1960s for RCA Victor and Capitol Records.  He was the father of inventor Ron Katz, Tony and Oscar®-winning actor Joel Grey, and grandfather of actress Jennifer Grey. 

Highlights from the Ethnomusicology Archive: the David Morton collection

David Morton (1920-2004), a protégé of Dr. Mantle Hood, received his BA, MA, and Ph.D.

Highlights from the Ethnomusicology Archive: A World of Music

"A World of Music" is a documentary short about the UCLA Institute of Ethnomusicology.  A production of UCLA Public Information, it was released in 1972.  As the accompanying documentation explains, "Observes the activities of students and faculty at the UCLA Institute of Ethnomusicology, where a basis for international understanding is sought through cross-cultural studies in music and dance.

Music banned in Mali


"They are destroying our culture," said one of Mali's most famous singers, Salif Keita.  "If there's no music, no Timbuktu, it means that there is no more culture in Mali."




Cheick-Tidiane Seck

Highlights from the Ethnomusicology Archive: the Flora Baker collection

Flora Twyman Baker was a doctoral student at the Institute of Ethnomusicology in the late 1960s and early 1970s, specializing in vocal techniques around the world.  By 1976, she had received her Candidate in Philosophy (C. Phil.) degree in Ethnomusicology.

Highlights from the Ethnomusicology Archive: Music of Mexico Ensemble

As I mentioned in a previous column, the Ethnomusicology Archive holds the Department of Ethnomusicology collection.  This collection includes recordings and photographs documenting guest artists, lectures, and performance ensembles associated with Ethnomusicology at UCLA.  It might surprise some of you


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