What's Goin' On

Curated by Rosaleen Rhee

Review | Contemporary Carioca: Technologies of Mixing in a Brazilian Music Scene by Frederick Moehn

Contemporary Carioca: Technologies of Mixing in a Brazilian Music Scene. By Frederick Moehn. Durham: Duke University Press. 2012. [p. 320. Hardcover $ 75.45, paperback $22.46. ISBN 978-0822351559]
Reviewed by Leonardo Cardoso

Review | Flower World: Music Archaeology of the Americas, Volume 2

Flower World: Music Archaeology of the Americas, Volume 2. Edited by Matthias Stöckli and Arnd Adje Both. Berlin: Ekho Verlag. 2013. [198 p., Individual €59; Institutional €92.] illustrations, photographs, references, index.

Review | "Get On Up," directed by Tate Taylor

Get On Up. Directed by Tate Taylor. 139 minutes. Imagine Entertainment, 2014.

Reviewed by Ben Doleac


Review | Divine Inspirations: Music and Islam in Indonesia edited by David D. Harnish and Anne K. Rasmussen

Divine Inspirations: Music and Islam in Indonesia. Edited by David D. Harnish and Anne K. Rasmussen. New York: Oxford University Press. 2011. [Xxiii, 383 p., Hardcover $99.00; Paper, $35.00; Ebook, $26.99.] Illustrations, notes, references, glossary, inde

Reviewed by Elizabeth McLean Macy


Review | Listening in Detail: Performances of Cuban Music by Alexandra T. Vazquez

Listening in Detail: Performances of Cuban Music. By Alexandra T. Vazquez. Durham and London: Duke University Press, 2013. [xii, 333 p. ISBN 9780822354550. $25.] Notes, photographs, references, index.

Reviewed by Teresa Sanchez


Review | Rebel Dance, Renegade Stance: Timba Music and Black Identity in Cuba by Umi Vaughn

Rebel Dance, Renegade Stance: Timba Music and Black Identity in Cuba. By Umi Vaughn, Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press, 2012. [xii, 203 p. ISBN 9780472118489. $27.95.] Photos, references, index. 

Review | If You Knew Her by Zara McFarlane (2014)

“It’s never been easy being black, British and female in the music industry. . . But in recent years, it’s seemed that black females have been few and far between – and the ones who’ve popped up haven’t been able to stick around.”

Review | Fado Resounding: Affective Politics and Urban Life by Lila Ellen Gray

Fado Resounding: Affective Politics and Urban Life. By Lila Ellen Gray. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2013.  [328 p., ISBN 9780822354710. $24.95] 22 photographs (including 10 in color), 10 figures, appendixes with fado transcriptions, notes, bibliography, index.

Reviewed by Joshua Brown


Review | Experience and Meaning in Music Performance by Martin Clayton, Byron Dueck, and Laura Leante (eds.)

Experience and Meaning in Music Performance. Edited by Martin Clayton, Byron Dueck, and Laura Leante. New York: Oxford University Press, 2013. [x, 232 p. ISBN 9780199811311. $29.95.] Music examples, illustrations, bibliography, index, companion web site (www.oup.com/us/emmp).

Reviewed by AJ Kluth


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